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Work With 20fifty


We are 20fifty. Solutioneers at heart, we build intelligent, scalable solutions that are recognised as the gold standard of innovation.


We work with remarkable people and companies to build world-class products that shape our collective future for the better.


We combine our passion for problem solving with serverless cloud technology, human centered design, and good quality data.  20fifty delivers solutions that people love. The only question is: How can we help you innovate?

How we work

Human ingenuity


Intelligent Technology


World-Class Solutions

To quote our co-founder and CTO, Johan Jacobs, “at 20fifty, everyone is a chief engineer”. This ethos is put into practice across all facets of the business. This drives our entire solutioneering and product development process. From the kernel of an idea to a fully scaled solution, every engineer on our team gets an opportunity to contribute to the outcome.

Our Partners 



At 20fifty, we specialise in:

  • Serverless technology and cloud native developement: Scale faster. Serverless technologies let you build and run applications without thinking about servers.
  • Modern application development: Bring your big ideas to life. Modern application development is a powerful, scalable approach to designing, building, and managing software in the cloud. Built with the latest technologies, modern applications are the solution to innovating faster, improving performance, security, and reliability,  while lowering development costs. 
  • Continuous integration & continuous delivery (CICD): Build, test, and deploy faster. CICD automates the entire software release process to improve the speed of releases, and the quality of your code.  
  • Infrastructure as code (IAC): Automate efficiently. 20fifty uses IAC to automate the provisioning of infrastructure services, and eliminate the need for manual updates which can be error-prone.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) powered solutions: Competitive edge. AI brings your business a competitive advantage.  Ensuring accuracy and reliability, and enabling effective analytical support and forecasting, AI adoption helps your business minimise risk and improve efficiencies. 


As a technology company, we use the right tools for the job. Our go-to tech stack consists of:

  • Flutter: an open-source UI software development kit that is used to develop cross-platform applications. 
  • Terraform: an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure.
  • Golang: an open-source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
  • AWS: including AWS Lambda, Step Functions, API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB, Lex, and more.