hello world 20fifty Catalyst: Build What Matters

We discuss the 20fifty catalyst. At 20fifty, we build what matters.

“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.” – William Pollard

At 20fifty, we build what matters. That is our 20fifty catalyst. Often, however, what is asked of us seems simple enough. Yet, the biggest question remains: what matters?

Build what matters When we build what matters, we use our mantra as motivation to select projects, allocate resources, and implement actionable, provable, and results-driven development that truly enables us to build what matters. Accordingly, before we answer your question, let’s talk about why we build what matters, before we get to the what.

The 20fifty solution When building solutions or thinking about how Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the world and society, we shouldn’t be thinking of a 100 or even 50 years from now. Instead, we should be thinking about our immediate and middle distance future. The technologies we build now form the backbone of what shapes human history. People often refer to 2050 as the middle distance when contemplating the effect and future of AI. That’s why we keep that date top of mind and have chosen it as our company name. We build what matters for 2050 to transcend every expectation, prediction, trend, or whim in 2022 and beyond.

What matters at 20fifty It’s not just that we have a great-looking, exceptionally minded team. What matters at 20fifty is that we…Build What Matters. Through this, we apply the framework of:

  • Selecting projects: We work in an ever-changing space, where tech stacks shift and our incredible clients are not just trying to keep up; they need to stay ahead. When selecting projects and collaborators, we clearly assess and optimise our choices by choosing projects that will build what matters for our clients –  in other words, products and solutions that move the needle and challenge their competitors to play a smarter game. That is why our project selection process doesn’t just focus on what will make 20fifty money. Our project selection process focuses more on what will empower our clients to move forward, towards the year 2050, and beyond.

  • Allocating resources: Our 20fifty team is diverse, deeply funny (ask anyone about our terrible use of puns!) and a highly skilled collective. Consequently, when we allocate our resources, and seek out collaborators to extend our capabilities, we do so with intention, purpose, and results in mind. We don’t simply build for the sake of building. Our team participates in every element of resource-focused decision making, drawing on our collective experience that’s built and deployed innumerable successful projects.

  • Designing for results: Our technical specifications documentation are never garbled bundles of jargon. That type of documentation does not serve our clients, our team, or ensure true results. Instead, we ban the buzzword and configure our designs towards delivering the right results for the right clients.

  • Ace up our actions: There are far too many “busy work” billable hours to be found out there in the world. By actively measuring everything we deliver to each client, we optimise our next move, and the next one, and the next one after that. Therefore, what we learn in one project becomes part of the next project’s adventure. There’s never a moment wasted, and never a lesson left aside.

  • Billing by effort: Timesheets and hourly rates are from a bygone era. Moreover, they don’t reflect the true results of a project, a task, an undertaking, or the skills required to make things happen. At 20fifty, we don’t bill by the hour. Instead, we bill by effort. Our costs are linked to the results we deliver to our clients, and not what’s logged in a timesheet.

That’s how we build what matters at 20fifty. That is the core principle of our 20fifty catalyst. We combine human ingenuity and intelligent technology to build cloud and AI-powered serverless solutions. As solutioneers who fix future problems, we’re solving today’s too. What’s our next move to build what matters?

Watch this space.